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Lean - event
From October 8 to October 12, LLC SKBT held an event "2P Organization of equipment according to the Follow Up stream". The main task of which is the alignment of production steps according to the flow and the location of the equipment, taking into account maximum efficiency, so we had several key tasks:
- Minimize the movement of parts between machines;
- Improve the quality and control of products by eliminating variability;
- Estimate the current and planned level of equipment loading;
- Identify production capabilities and weak points in the production chain.
During the week, the team’s main tools were: Lean Production Cell and Spaghetti Chart, which help group equipment to perform one specific step, evaluate the paths along the production chain, and determine the future location of all machines in the plant diagram. As a result, the team determined the cells for processing parts of the turbocharger, which were built into the production flow as much as possible, determined the tact time for processing each part, calculated the equipment load and the operation time of the production operations.

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ООО "Специальное Конструкторское Бюро Турбонагнетателей" (ООО "СКБТ")
ул. Калинина, СООР 128 г. Пенза Пензенская область 440034 Россия
Приемная 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-005
Коммерческий директор 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-004
Коммерческий отдел +7(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-009
Директор по экономике и финансам 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-089
Служба по персоналу 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-006
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