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Man walking

On November 16, the National Health League Charitable Foundation, with the support of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the Federal project “Sport is the Norm of Life,” summed up the results of the annual All-Russian background walking championship “Man Walking.”

The winners of the competition were teams from different parts of the country - from the Urals to St. Petersburg. More than 2 thousand teams from all regions of Russia took part in this competition. The main stage of the competition took place from October 15 to November 15.

A team of 25 employees of the SKBT LLC enterprise also responded to this call and began to walk with enthusiasm. Here's what our employee-participants left:

-Oksana Spirina, team captain, noted: “Sport allows you to relieve stress from the work process. And sports in our team also means a lot of positive emotions.”

-Tatyana Danilova, who became the winner in our team: “Sport is strength, sport is life!”

“Sport for us is an additional opportunity to unite and spend time together. That is why our company pays great attention to sports leisure. “I congratulate the winners and thank all the participants in the competition,” social work specialist Tatyana Zvonova commented on the participation of workers in the All-Russian background walking championship “Man Walking.”

Команда ООО «СКБТ» шагает только вперед! Zhelayem nashemu kollektivu budushchikh pobed! Komanda OOO «SKBT» shagayet tol'ko vpered! ​ 80 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Перевод We wish our team future victories! The team of SKBT LLC is only moving forward!

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