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New locker room on the shop floor!

In November, a major overhaul of the women's locker room and showers was carried out in the engineering and laboratory building on the 2nd floor using allocated funds from the parent company.

“A major overhaul was carried out. Firstly, we remodeled and renovated the premises: replaced floors and ceilings, installed new electrical and lighting, updated the interior decoration, and replaced old wooden windows and doors. Secondly, the bathrooms and showers were renovated and equipped with new plumbing. Now they have become not only more comfortable, but also more spacious. Thirdly, instead of old metal furniture, new metal cabinets with locks were installed for each employee of the workshop,” says Vladimir Zakharov, head of the administrative support department.

The new locker room fully meets all sanitary requirements. The plant's employees have already appreciated the convenience of the new locker room. “It is more comfortable, spacious, and has more comfortable showers. We don’t crowd here like before, we don’t disturb each other. There are now enough lockers for everyone, I myself have a separate locker there. What can I say – it’s just nice to be in the new locker room. I want to say thank you very much for such a renovation!” – says Olga Nilova, senior foreman of the technical control department.

Currently, a similar renovation is taking place in the men's locker room on the 1st floor of the engineering and laboratory building of SKBT LLC.

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ООО "Специальное Конструкторское Бюро Турбонагнетателей" (ООО "СКБТ")
ул. Калинина, СООР 128 г. Пенза Пензенская область 440034 Россия
Приемная 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-005
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Директор по экономике и финансам 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-089
Служба по персоналу 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-006
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