On testing turbochargers
On March 10-11, 2025, new models of turbochargers TKR16V01, developed and manufactured by SKBT LLC as part of import substitution of TPS44 turbochargers from the Swiss company ABB, successfully passed tests on the 16M33 Weichai gas engine, which is assembled at Volzhskie Industrialnye Dvigateli LLC, Tutayev (a joint venture between Kamaz and Weichai).
After testing on the engine, the experimental turbochargers will be sent to SKBT LLC for an inspection of the condition of the parts and units, as well as for the necessary modifications to ensure the ease of installation of the turbochargers on the engine.
On March 10-11, 2025, new models of turbochargers TKR16V01, developed and manufactured by SKBT LLC as part of import substitution of TPS44 turbochargers from the Swiss company ABB, successfully passed tests on the 16M33 Weichai gas engine, which is assembled at Volzhskie Industrialnye Dvigateli LLC, Tutayev (a joint venture between Kamaz and Weichai).
After testing on the engine, the experimental turbochargers will be sent to SKBT LLC for an inspection of the condition of the parts and units, as well as for the necessary modifications to ensure the ease of installation of the turbochargers on the engine.
ООО "Специальное Конструкторское Бюро Турбонагнетателей" (ООО "СКБТ")
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ООО "Специальное Конструкторское Бюро Турбонагнетателей" (ООО "СКБТ")
ул. Калинина, СООР 128
г. Пенза
Пензенская область
8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-005
Коммерческий директор
8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-004
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+7(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-009
Директор по экономике и финансам
8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-089
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8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-006