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We are 55!
2017 - for our company is a jubilee. And we would like to tell you about one person. He works with us from the first day ... The work biography of this amazing person, has more than sixty years. Of these, he dedicated 55 years to the creation of this enterprise, our friendly family. He began, like many of his peers from the basics. To his professionalism was many years, and what kind of tests, on this long journey, did not prepare him a hectic life. Lack of money and excess work, joy from the successes of his students, traces of undeserved resentment, fatigue from the endless vanity of vanities and "second wind" from the timely said kind words. He is always in the thick of things, he remembers all and everything. Someone told him that you can not work for wear. And he replied: "I become happy, and happy people do not feel tired, new forces are being drawn in their work." This is his life. " And you, of course, guessed. Who are we talking about? This Rassudov Yuri Grigorievich.

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