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Years go by, but the memory of the exploits of our heroes does not fade ...
The hero of that war was the famous T-34 tank. Among the many designs born of Soviet tank builders, the Victory Tank T-34 occupies a special place. Even foreign experts unconditionally recognized its priority. They composed songs and made films about these cars, they stood on pedestals in every Russian city, and every citizen of our country knew that "the armor is strong, and our tanks are fast."
The hero of the Soviet Union, our fellow countryman, Alexander Ivanovich Milyukov was the commander of such a combat vehicle. He was born March 19, 1923 in the village. Narovchat Penza region. He graduated from the Civil Aviation School, and with the outbreak of World War II decided to retrain as a military pilot. The serious injury received during the training flight did not allow A.I. Miliukov continue his service in the Air Force. Then he retrained as a tank driver. First, our fellow countryman fought on KV-1, and then switched to T-34 and soon became a commander.
A.I. Milyukov is a man of amazing fate. He became a tank ace, having passed "universities" in the most terrible places of the most terrible war: Stalingrad, Kursk, the battle of Kiev, Berlin. He got out of burning cars, they blew him up, shot him. Despite everything, Alexander Ivanovich survived, although he lost 13 combat vehicles! For heroism and stamina, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and two orders of the Red Star. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1945, A. I. Milyukov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal
After the war, A. I. Milyukov went to work at a film studio and wrote the script for the feature film "The crew of a combat vehicle." So he embodied in creativity a lot of what he himself experienced in the war.
On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, enterprises of the city of Penza, including SKBT LLC, carried out a full tank repair: money was collected, spare parts were made, and the engine was put on alert. And now the Penza tank-monument will be able to take part in the Victory Parade on Red Square.
Let valor, selflessness and self-sacrifice of all participants in that terrible war forever remain in our memory.
"Thirty Four" - Victory Tank!
In battles we won’t forget your feat
And before the enemy - faster than a comet,
Do not fail, and we will be alive!

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