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Appointment of the General Director

SKBT LLC announces changes in the composition of top management.

From July 20, 2023, Boris Pavlovich Vasiliev was appointed to the position of General Director.

Vasiliev Boris Pavlovich was born in Leningrad. He worked at the Leningrad Metal Plant for 24 years, then headed Belenergomash OJSC, Constar OJSC, and Uralmashzavod OJSC.

From July 20, 2023, he was appointed General Director of Special Design Bureau of Turbochargers LLC.

SKBT LLC announces changes in the composition of top management.

From July 20, 2023, Boris Pavlovich Vasiliev was appointed to the position of General Director.

Vasiliev Boris Pavlovich was born in Leningrad. He worked at the Leningrad Metal Plant for 24 years, then headed Belenergomash OJSC, Constar OJSC, and Uralmashzavod OJSC.

From July 20, 2023, he was appointed General Director of Special Design Bureau of Turbochargers LLC.

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ООО "Специальное Конструкторское Бюро Турбонагнетателей" (ООО "СКБТ")
ул. Калинина, СООР 128 г. Пенза Пензенская область 440034 Россия
Приемная 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-005
Коммерческий директор 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-004
Коммерческий отдел +7(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-009
Директор по экономике и финансам 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-089
Служба по персоналу 8(8412)22-10-12, доб. 25-006
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